What I Found in Prison: Love

Antalya Wedding

My favorite of my 7 books is the perfect little fantasy novel called “Selah of the Summit.”  I poured my own true life experiences into that book but made it look like fiction. A lot of the details were added fantasy elements from my imagination, but the basic tale was true.  Writing fiction is much easier than writing a nonfiction, reveal-all book with my name as the main character and the awful viewpoint “I.”  Victims of abuse often find it easier to distance themselves from the abused person they are by creating another persona and objectively telling their story (like a drama or puppet show they can control) as if it happened to someone else.  So “Selah” tells my story of being an abused wife and survivor of other traumas, set into the deliverance tale of a desert slave girl who is freed from her castle-like prison and led to the mountains.  I even made the San Bernardino Mountains (where I lived for years) the setting for that journey.

Now I’m writing “Selah 2.”  I call it “Selah of the Desert.”  It shows my more recent history and adventures.  For over 9 months I taught full-time inside a California High Desert prison for male felons.  The hours were long and difficult, security was crucial, and I (as well as prisoners) was always closely watched.  I never expected to find something valuable there (or, more precisely, someone)—until love slipped between the prison bars.

I was miserable, sad, and lonely after the break-up of my marriage to a Turk.  I was stranded in the desert, not adventuring overseas, and very few family or friends knew that I existed (except thousands of people on social media—but they were not exactly real).  Christmas approached.  I wasn’t invited anywhere except to the Geo Company Christmas party (one night) and church (where I was new and not a member of a special group).  I kept catching viruses from the inmates and struggled through long days inside the prison sneezing and blowing my nose, always holding a tissue in one hand.  I had one friend to meet at Starbucks, but later that fell through.  I gave everyone who worked at the prison hand-signed Christmas cards, fancy ones I bought at Costco.  The last thing I expected was a sweet Christmas card from one of my inmate students.


Now that I’ve filled you in with real-life details, read “Selah of the Desert” to see how all this happened.  The story continues as I write each chapter.  For the first time in my life, the Fantasy Realm mirrors the Real World—almost exactly—in my story.

You can also read “What I Learned in Prison.”

Groom & Bride


Lonna at Bookcase


Jose 1st Cards

Geo Prison

5 comments on “What I Found in Prison: Love

  1. Pingback: What I Learned in Prison | Lonna Lisa Williams

  2. Pingback: Crazy Prison Love | Lonna Lisa Williams

  3. My dear godly friend,
    I’m very happy to read about your life style and your good testimony. Even my tear fell down from my eyes while I read your background and your letter. I will be praying for you. I’m gyanesh limma from state odisha, India and i do independent ministry among Buddhists, Hindus and muslims religion people group..I stay in Mumbai for the slum ministry. Kindly pray for my ministry..As well as I will be praying for you and your husband too..may God bless your couple life


  4. Pingback: On the Road Again, Again | Lonna Lisa Williams

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