About Lonna

Hi, I’m Lonna Lisa Williams. I’ve been writing since I was four years old, after my father died, when my mother collected the poems I spoke. In love with words, I wrote childhood stories and plays, eventually publishing books in paperback and Kindle on Amazon.com. “Like a Tree Planted” is science fiction, and “Selah of the Summit” is fantasy. “Crossing the Chemo Room,” “I Saw You in the Moon,” and “Fire and Ice” tell my true “Survival Stories.” “Walk with Me in Turkey” is a Kindle eBook with color photos, links, history, culture, food, and amazing scenes of Turkey. “I Protested for Freedom with the Turks,” my newest Kindle eBook, covers first-hand the 2013 Turkish Freedom Protests in which I was attacked by the Turkish police, and my Armenian/Turkish husband was tortured by the police. We left Turkey days before police showed up at our old apartment to arrest me for a photo I’d published.

I got my Master’s degree in English at San Diego State University and published poems, essays, and articles in various magazines, newspapers, and blogs. A part-time journalist and photographer, I enjoy making Youtube videos and writing for “Digital Journal,” “Yahoo,” and “The Clarion Project.” I post new photos and writing on Facebook and my WordPress blog. After losing my childhood family, surviving cancer, living in New Zealand, almost dying in a car accident, and watching my life in California burn up after a bitter divorce, I found a new life teaching English overseas (in Russia, Turkey, and China). My children live in California (Jessica is 22, and Jonathan is 19). I visit them when I can. I live with my Turkish/Armenian husband in China. My motto is that Christ’s light can shine in the darkest places, and that after death comes resurrection.

Lonna Lisa Williams at Duden Waterfall, Antalya, Turkey, 2012

Lonna Lisa Williams at Duden Waterfall, Antalya, Turkey, 2012

20 comments on “About Lonna

  1. Lonna! you are an amazing woman! you have been through so many obstacles and yet after all those ordeals you can still maintain a great smile:) your an inspiration to many people including me!thank you so much best wishes from Cali! God Bless you ever so much!!!


  2. Amazing. I am still down in the lower parts of the earth wishing I knew how to get back. I too was once very strong in the Lord and had but I fell away. I sinned grieviously. I have been dealing with all kinds of stuff. When I was reading your stories I was reminded of similar experiences with Jesus but I wonder if I will ever get back or get healed because I severely wounded in my body n soul and it makes it hard to live so I recently moved back to my hometown away from the busy city so I can try and focus. the cafe reminded me of my own place of refuge while being pulled through the darkness of life and the lostness of my own life but many people inspired me so much being there. Thank you for the amazing story and I envy your blessedness but I am also very happy for you because I know how rare people like you are. I am so thankful to know you.



  3. Pingback: Ligo Circle of Appreciation « Journey Around The Globe

  4. Thanks so much for nominating my site for the “Best Moment Award.” I love your Blog, too. You’ve been to so many places! I hope you come to Turkey again. We’ll share a cup of tea I also get inspiration from my children. Yours are so cute! I’m not sure how to completely reblog your page. Any hints?


  5. Dear Lonna,

    My name is Joyce and I work for ExpatFinder.com.
    ExpatFinder.com is a free one stop website for people preparing to move or working and living overseas. We provide a myriad of services for expatriates and we have over 2,000 articles to help and support the people moving around the world and we are now creating an interview section to help the expats with real life experiences!
    We quite enjoy your blog about living in China, it is very interesting and informative. Would it be possible to interview you to further share some of your tips and feature some of your first hand experience as an Expat and your interview will be published on our Expat Interview section as a guide for our expat readers. The questions are mainly about the day to day lifestyle of an expat. If it would be possible, could you also send some photographs that we can use?
    Of course, if you accept, we can add a link to your blog or some of your website.
    The questions are enclosed, feel free to respond freely. You can return the doc with your answers if you accept this invitation.
    Thanks in advance and do let me know if you prefer other means to conduct this interview and we would be happy to accommodate your terms.

    Best regards,


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